Artist in Residence at MuseumsQuartier in Vienna

határidődeadline: 2024. szeptember 15.

The Artist in Residence Programme at MuseumsQuartier in Vienna is part of ERSTE Foundation’s long-term endeavour to support contemporary art and to strengthen the fragile situation of its creators, especially in the region of Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe.
The residency programme is carried out in close cooperation with ERSTE Foundation’s key cultural partners: tranzitIgor Zabel Association and Kontakt Collection (Kontakt Collection will collaborate with the Zagreb based WHW Akademija.) Thus, the residencies are aimed at artists and curators from Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Slovak Republic and Slovenia working in the field of critical contemporary visual art to do research in their respective area.
Taking into consideration the urgencies raised by the ongoing war against Ukraine, we would like to express our solidarity and add a grant of a two-month stay for a participant from Ukraine.
The research character of the residency should make it possible to take a break from strenuous situations, from everyday production pressure and find time to concentrate on a specific interest. The participants are given the opportunity to live and work in one of the MuseumsQuartier studios right in the heart of Vienna. The apartments offer both living and working space, but do not provide room for large-scale artistic works. During the stay various meeting possibilities are offered to the participants.

Each residency grants a monthly stipend of EUR 1.300,– plus a one time travel grant of EUR 300,– (non-EU: EUR 500,–).

Together with its cooperation partners from,,,,, Igor Zabel Association and Kontakt Collection/WHW Akademija, ERSTE Foundation forms the jury to select the participants.

Everyone eligible is invited to take part in the open call.

Open Call:

Applications have to include the following documents:

1.) The complete digital application form via Google Forms
2.) Portfolio (max. 10 MB, separate PDF)
3.) In one PDF document: Letter of intent explaining why you apply, what you expect and what you would like to focus on during the residence (max. 5000 characters) and a brief informative curriculum vitae (max. 1 page) via e-mail to 

or download the application form here.

Please note:

• Accepted candidates are required to use the residence in its full length during the following fixed periods:

For Ukraine: January – February 2025
For Slovak Republic: March – April 2025
For Hungary: May – June 2025
For Croatia: July – August 2025
For Romania: July – August 2025
For Czech Republic: September – October 2025
For Slovenia: September – October 2025

• Applicants who have already received this residence in recent years or have previously participated in other educational programs supported by ERSTE Foundation like the Fellowships for Curators and Artists at Salzburg Summer Academy or the WHW Akademija Zagreb will not be given priority.

• Applicants are asked to hand in a written report after completion of the residence.

Applications are accepted only if complete, in English and by e-mail until: 15.09.2024 (midnight)

Please send your application with subject „MQ AiR 2025” to: 

Selected participants will be notified until end of October 2024.

For further questions, please contact Esther Brandl /