Supercalifragilistic (Mistaken Landscapes)

határidődeadline: 2010. február 28.

Le Ville Matte
Supercalifragilistic (Mistaken Landscapes)

Az első alkalommal meghirdetett 1 hónapos szardíniai műterem-program helyszíne egy hajdani kapucinus kolostor, a Cagliari melletti Villasor városában. A Supercaligfragilistic elnevezésű pályázaton 10 művészt választanak ki.

Leadási határidő: 2010. február 28.

Le Ville Matte – visual arts takes place in the town of Villasor, in the Convent of the Capuchins, with moments of study and research at the Castle Seviller (with library and media center) and throughout the town.

The 2010 edition will start April 14 and ends May 15. 
The residency program involves a group of up to 10 artists from all over the world, offering them space and materials for their work and research, accomodation and food.

The 2010 program is entitled Supercalifragilistic (Mistaken Landscapes) and the visiting professor is Giancarlo Norese, with Chiara Agnello as guest curator and external guests including Jiri Kovanda, Luigi Negro, Umberto Cavenago, Luca Scarabelli and Mauro Cossu.

The residency ends with the final show and with a subsequent final publication documenting the works produced during the training and research period.

The selection of artists will be evaluated on the basis of the requirements in the open call and cured by a committee made up of Giancarlo Norese, Chiara Agnello and Francesca Sassu.

Applications can be submitted online on from 11 January 2010 uploading the following material by 28 February 2010.