
Why have others been unable to find the right path, unlike us, the ones that resonate?


(Attila Kotanyi, thinker and architect, the disciple of Bela Hamvas and Lajos Szabo, died at the age of 80. In December 1956 he emigrated together with Lajos Szabo to Western Europe, where he became a prominent figure of the Situationist International – until his exclusion from the movement. In the seventies and eighties he taught at the Art Academy in Dusseldorf, but by the nineties he spent a lot of time in Budapest. Oratory has been his primary medium, and so we pay tribute to him with the transcription of one of his lectures, held in 1994 at the Feedback Symposium in Plasy, Czech Republic.)

Kotányi Attila: Feedback
Why have others been unable to find the right path, unlike us, the ones that resonate?