planning of a memorial to the Katyin martyrs

határidődeadline: 2009. April 24.
Tender for the planning of a memorial to the Katyin martyrs The Budapest Municipal Local Government and the Polish Embassy in Budapest on behalf of the Government of the Polish Republic, the initiators and cost bearers of the international open tender for planning of a memorial to the Katyn martyrs made a mutual agreement on 9th of February 2009 that the deadline for submitting plans should be changed for 24th April 2009. The Budapest Gallery is at disposal to receive the probably numerous applications for two days, so the plans can be submitted on 23rd April 2009 from 9 a.m. to 3p. m. (Thursday) and on 24th April from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m (Friday). In case of postal delivery the deadline is the postmark 27th April 2009. Date of announcement of results: Friday 22nd May 2009 11 a.m. Budapest Gallery