Soundlab Channel

határidődeadline: 2004. december 18.

SoundLab Channel
is looking for soundart works of
a) experimental character
b) electronic music
c) Voice -sound/music integration
d) and other forms
Subject: there is a general subject—> \”memory and identity\”
and special subject for edition II —> \”separate/unite\”
The submission has to be posted on a webpage for download, please do not send it as an email attachement.
Submission format: .mp3
Size: Max 5MB, exceptions possible, but on request.
The authors/artists keep all rights on their submitted works.
Deadline 18 December 2004.
Please use this form for submitting:
******************* of artist, email address, URL
2. short biography/CV (not more than 300 words)
3. works (maximum 3), year of production, running time
a) URL for download
4. short statement for each work
(not more than 300 words each)
The submitter declares and confirms
that he/she is holding all author\’s rights
and gives permission to include the submitted work in \”Soundlab\” online environment until revoke.
Signed by (submitter)
Please send the complete submission to

subject: Soundlab Channel
Deadline 18 December 2004
SoundLab Channel –
Memory Channel 7–>at

can be accessed directly via /
and \”le Musee di-visioniste\” are corporate members of
— founded by —
Agricola de Cologne.