Residencies in Switzerland

határidődeadline: 2010. január 31.

Call for application for residencies in Switzerland in 2011

The Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia liaison office in Warsaw facilitates residencies in Switzerland for interested persons from the region it encompasses – Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Ukraine. Artists and cultural practitioners (e.g. curators, event organisers, promoters) in the areas of the visual arts, music, literature, theatre and dance are eligible to apply.

Please note that the deadline for submitting requests for 2011 residencies is January 31st of 2010. More info and application forms are available at

The artists from Slovakia, Hungary and the Baltic States stay in the priority in applications for 2011. Please, contact us before if you have any questions concerning the AiR programme in the Eastern Europe region.

Pro Helvetia Warsaw
Swiss Arts Council
Magda Olasinska

ul. Chocimska 3/1
PL-00-791 Warsaw
T +48 22 881 06 88
F +48 22 849 84 75