Game no game

Exhibition of the C3 Foundation

2023. 01. 15.- 2023. 02. 25.
Deák 17 Gallery (Budapest V. Deák Ferenc utca 17.)

OPENING: 14 JANUARY 2023, 16:00
Opening speech by Miklós Peternák

Gábor Bódy, JODI, Dóra Maurer, Ágoston Nagy, NAO, Ákos Plesznivy és Áron Tihanyi, Lóránd Szécsényi-Nagy, XORXOR (Gáspár Hajdu és Gábor Papp). Games from the past 20 years’ winning projects: Péter Almádi, Titusz Bán, András Bódi-Máté, Gábor Buzási, Tibor Buzási, Attila Gál, Attila Incze, András Jankó, Balázs Kormányos, Zsolt Lázár, Ákos Kovács, Gábor Miklós, István Pálinkás, Áron Simon és Róbert Attila Tőkés, Erik Smit, Attila Tanyi, Gábor Viczián.

<19 <20 ≤2022 – SHAPE YOUR WORLD!
In 2022, the C³ Foundation announced its Freestyle Computing Competition and showcases its winning projects for the twentieth time, this year at the Deák17 Gallery. Our call, trusting children’s and youngsters’ imagination and encouraging the under-19-age group to create, reached its objectives at the jubilee occasion as well. The competition is open to self-made original projects, created with a computer or any other digital device. We hope that the fresh and original results of free experimentation and individual creativity independent from school frameworks will be liked not only by the organizers and the professional jury, but also by the public.

The jubilee occasion, during which the C³ Foundation’s competition became a year older than its target group, encouraged friends and supporters of the project to celebrate with a more comprehensive and longer-open exhibition in addition to the usual annual presentation. The several possible different readings of the title “GAME NO GAME” refer to the essential message, to the many meanings that games can take on in our everyday lives, from entertainment through forms of social togetherness to art. Completely new and by now classic works can be seen at this exhibition: all of them have something to do with some form, meaning, application, interpretation and presentation of the game. They include images and moving images, playable and non-playable, active and interactive, constructed and reconstructed, stationary and mobile, retro and life games. Some people think that art also comes from games, which is essential for understanding our complex world today, while others think that (digital) games can be addictive and make you vulnerable. In our intention, the presented ensemble is both enjoyable and thought-provoking.
In the past 20 years, over 7500 creators applied to the competition of the C³ Foundation. Simulating a virtual time travel, we selected over a dozen creations from different years, fitting the theme of the exhibition.

Concept, organization, implementation: Márton Fernezelyi, Luca Menesi, Ágoston Nagy, Miklós Peternák, as well as the staff of the C³ Foundation and the Deák17 Gallery.

Ars Electronica, Budapest Gallery, Deák17 Children és Youth Gallery, Deutschen Multimediapreises mb21, Goethe-Institut Budapest, GoTo Technologies Hungary Kft., Guidance Zrt., Meet and Code, National Cultural Fund, National Talent Program, rentIT, számlá, Vintage Gallery