Barcsay Hall / Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts

nyitva tartás: opening:

Monday: 10.00 - 18.00
Tuesday: 10.00 - 18.00
Wednesday: 10.00 - 18.00
Thursday: 10.00 - 18.00
Friday: 10.00 - 18.00
Saturday: 10.00 - 13.00
Sunday: closed

Kapcsolódó kiállítások

15. January 2025. — 31. January

Hommage à Jenő Barcsay

Award ceremony and exhibition of the sculpture students of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts

14. November 2024. — 23. November

The restless nature of our quest

Exhibition of the Visual Arts Department MA Fine Art II.

11. July 2024. — 31. August

Best of Diploma 2024

(Magyar) Kiállítás a végzős hallgatók diplomamunkáiból

31. January 2024. — 15. February

The big gobble

Thematic group exhibition of students of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts

18. October 2023. — 16. December

Dreams come true in our dreams

A utopian university of fine arts

15. June 2023. — 16. June

Signs and stories

The endless story of Árpád Szabados

15. December 2021. — 29. January 2022.

Eppur si movie! – IMXXX

Intermedia Retrospective

15. September 2020. — 09. October

Late message

Árpád Szabados (1944 – 2017)

30. November 2019. — 30. November

Late message

Szabados Árpád (1944 – 2017) kiállítás

04. December 2019. — 24. January 2020.

Hommage to the patrons

Hungarian contemporary graphics in the Art Collections of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts

12. October 2019. — 30. November
11. September 2019. — 04. October


Hermina Creator Collective

13. February 2019. — 14. March

140 semester

Seventy years of Art Conservation

15. December 2018. — 25. January 2019.

Optimistic Exhibition

Miklós Erdély and the Hungarian University of Fine Arts (1946–2018)

16. February 2018. — 25. March
13. October 2017. — 31. October

Marks – Prints

Graphic oeuvre of Dora Maurer 1955-1980

16. September 2017. — 01. October

Our common story

Student projects for the Academy about the Academy

01. April 2017. — 11. April

Ludwig 2017

Peter és Irene Ludwig Foundation grantees

13. January 2017. — 20. January

Barcsay 2017

Selection from the works submitted to the Barcsay Prize

16. December 2016. — 31. January 2017.


(Magyar) Az MKE Doktori Iskolájának csoportos kiállítása az 1916-ban alapított zürichi Cabaret Voltaire centenáriuma alkalmából

21. October 2016. — 04. December

Before the revolution

The Academy of Arts between 1945 and 1956

15. January 2016. — 27. January

U Turn

Apprentice/Master exhibition

14. January 2016. — 23. January
17. November 2015. — 15. December

Studio corner

Paintings of Csók István in the light of contemporary art

21. October 2014. — 15. November

Parallel traces

(Magyar) Fiatal osztrák és magyar képzőművészek reflexiói az I. világháború kitörésének 100. évfordulóján

11. March 2014. — 05. April

The birth of artistic graphic

Viktor Olgyai and his students 1906-1914

11. February 2014. — 17. February

Gender brush III.

Students of the Painting Department

08. October 2013. — 26. October

Prints / made in Leipzig

Works by students of HGB Leipzig

13. March 2013. — 13. April

Leading the Dead

The world of Janos Major

23. November 2011. — 21. January 2012.

The Decade of Reforms

The Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts between 1920 and 1932

29. September 2010. — 22. October

Concepto Grosso

Students of the Intermedia Department of University Brno

29. January 2010. — 12. February


Slovak and Hungarian students

20. September 2008. — 17. October

Random meetings

Marta Pan and young sculptors

20. January 2007. — 10. February

Black Snow and Paper

(Magyar) a Finn Képzőművészeti Egyetem (Helsinki) hét művészének munkái

23. September 2004. — 13. November

Original Copy

XIX. Century Hungarian Masters after Baroque

22. April 2004. — 10. May

The games we play

Students of the Glasgow School of Art and the Hungarian Academy of Arts

03. April 2003. — 17. April


Students of the Academy of Stuttgart

10. December 2002. — 19. December

In the language of colour

(Magyar) a Magyar Képzőművészeti Egyetem hallgatóinak tanulmányi kiállítása

05. October 2001. — 25. October

Expanded Photography

Selection from the photo collection of Neue Galerie Linz

13. June 2001. — 16. June

Intermédia – diplomakiállítás

(Magyar) Magyar Képzőművészeti Egyetem Intermédia Tanszék

19. March 2001. — 24. March

Timespace – Spacetime

Deutsche Telekom competition

04. April 2000. — 30. April

Photographs Once Upon a Time

Photos from the Collection of the Academy of Fine Arts Library