Inda Gallery has prepared an online catalogue for the summer, with a selection of its material on display in the gallery’s project room. Visitors to the gallery and those browsing the catalogue will be able to select and purchase works by twenty-two of our artists or invited artists.
The selection of artists on show includes Marianne CSÁKY, Lajos CSONTÓ, Márta CZENE, Róza EL-HASSAN, Zsófia FARKAS, Gábor KOÓS, Henrik MARTIN, Eszter METZING, Barbara NAGY, Barnabás NEOGRÁDY-KISS, András RAVASZ, SCHWÉGER Zsófia, SZABÓ Ádám, SZABÓ Eszter, SZÁSZ Lilla, SZEMZŐ Zsófia, SZENTELEKI Gábor, SZŐKE Gáspár, URAY-SZÉPFALVI Ágnes, ZELLEI Boglárka Éva, as well as works by Ilona LOVAS and Kim CORBISIER.