
20. September 2024. – 11. October
MegnyitóOpening: September 19, 2024, 6:00 pm
MegnyitjaRemarks by: Révész Emese

With the body uncovered, posed as we created it. In the flesh, if you like. No beneficial covering, no object of belonging, no clothing. But no face, no gaze. No smile or tears. Just the honest testimony of a body stripped of its plates, of life, of the joy of being.

My exhibition Uncovered is a selection of paintings from the past years. The focus is on the human body, but quite different from the traditional representation. My representations of the body have evolved and taken shape in obedience to the things I want to express, to external and internal influences (compulsions).

In my Home series they take the form of a dwelling house, while in the Modules series they are reduced to unit cubes as a synonym for existence. Their uniqueness is revealed only in their minutiae. A wound, a shade of colour, a sunburn or the memory of a piece of clothing worn.

Gábor Szenteleki