Ways of Earth

Aso Rando, Hioki Tetsuya, Néma Júlia, Czigány Ákos

17. May 2024. – 25. August
MegnyitóOpening: May 16, 2024, 6:00 pm

In the tradition of Japanese ceramics, the organic connection to the land, the landscape and the natural environment is still of vital importance. It is with this perspective that the intercultural programme “Ways of Earth” initiated a creative dialogue based on the curatorial concept of the ceramic artist Júlia Néma, under the project management of Bernadett Grászli, director, and Marian Sörös, office manager (House of Arts Veszprém). From Japan, two contemporary representatives of the rich Minoan ceramic culture, Aso Rando and Hioki Tetsuya, as well as curator Hayashi Izumi (Museum of Modern Ceramic Art – Gifu, and from Hungary, Júlia Néma, Ákos Czigány photographer and Barnabás Korbély geographer participated in the joint project.

Within the framework of the Veszprém – Balaton European Capital of Culture 2023 Balaton EYE residency programme, the artists got to know the cultural and artistic traditions of Mino and the Veszprém – Balaton region. They created new works from minerals and experiences collected together in the landscapes they travelled together, for a joint exhibition.