
XXV Hegyvidék International Artists' Camp

09. August 2024. – 28. August
MegnyitóOpening: August 8, 2024, 6:00 pm
MegnyitjaRemarks by: Máté Zsófia

Humans are strongly attracted to nature because, as psychologist Lívia Horváth-Váradi writes, “there is an innate, deep-rooted connection between the human soul and mother nature, which is expressed through a number of psychological processes. Deep within us is the desire to be close to nature, what [Edward O.] Wilson calls the biophilia.” On the website of the Hungarian Ecotherapy Foundation, in an article on the theory of biophilia, we read that “Eric Fromm, a German philosopher and social psychologist, was the first to introduce the concept of biophilia, pointing out that the psychological orientation of man is inherently towards other living things. Biophilia literally expresses a love of life, of living systems. In a broader sense, it can be applied to the love of all of nature. The bilophilia hypothesis was described by the American biologist Edward O. Wilson, and is based on the idea that there is an instinctive link between humans and other living systems.

Exhibiting artists: Kiállító művészek: Benyovszky-Szűcs Domonkos (HU), Cseke Szilárd (HU), Csóka Szilárd-Zsolt (RO), Füzik Szilvia (SK), Gagyi Botond (RO), Koszorús Rita (SK), Lak Róbert (RS/NL), Makkai-Kovács Beatrix (HU), Szűcs Gábor (SK), Todor Tamás (RO/HU), Tóth Annamária Rita (HU)