Verbs denoting existence

New members

21. February 2025. – 20. March
MegnyitóOpening: February 20, 2025, 7:00 pm

Is there such a thing as a common identity? Is it possible to create a fictitious person from each of our identities, in whom everyone can recognise themselves? Can unity be created, or is the solution to be found in accepting chaos? Where are we in the world and who are we in it? What connects us – our heritage, our shared reality, or something else?

The common identity we have created is not a static condition in the spaces of the FKSE, but a process in which personal and collective memory is constantly searching for points of connection. The different spaces of the gallery now represent the sites of our existence in different ways. The individual works are not meant to be isolated from each other, but intertwined to form a system. The exhibition is thus an ever-evolving narrative, in which personal stories sometimes converge, while in others they are deliberately fragmented.

Participants. Márton Takács, Sára Kautzky, Norbert Kiss, Eszter Nagy, Zsuzsanna Ida Papp, Péter Papp, Zsófia Puszt, Hanna Szabó-Sáfrány, Katalin Boglárka Szarka, Andrea Szilák, Vivien Enikő Tar, Boglárka Tóth Toglárka, Lilla Törteli, János Vámos, Violetta Vigh