Mátrai brothers

04. June 2024. – 25. June
MegnyitóOpening: June 3, 2024, 6:00 pm

Since 2002, our foundation has been running a series of artists’ families. With this exhibition we have reached the latest stage of this series, Chapter XIX.

Péter Mátrai (1948) and István Mátrai (1949) are independent artists. They both graduated from the University of Applied Arts, as architects and graphic artists respectively. Their separate work came together in a few joint projects. Both of them are known for their creative attitudes, which are characterised by a departure from their narrowly defined, learned genres, and by a widening of the boundaries between these two artistic disciplines.

In Péter Mátrai’s case, the experimental fields are architecture, object art, and the still and moving image genres. István Mátrai not only works in various fields of graphic art, but also likes to create space installations, objects and textile works. Their joint exhibition presents important pieces of the two artists’ half-century-long oeuvre.