Self-portrait in a distorted mirror

Oeuvre of graphic artist Gábor Pásztor (1933-2012)

05. July 2024. – 25. August
MegnyitóOpening: July 4, 2024, 5:00 pm
MegnyitjaRemarks by: Tarczali Andrea
KurátorCurator: Révész Emese

Gábor Pásztor was an outstanding artist of the “great generation” of Hungarian graphic art after 1945. His work was largely in the field of printed graphics, and within this field he became one of the most outstanding masters of lithography in Hungary. He later developed the pictorial problems raised in the field of artistic graphics in various new media, through photography, photograms and electrographs.

From the mid-sixties onwards, his art reflected the current contemporary pictorial trends, and despite the distinct stylistic phases from surrealism to pop art and abstraction to postmodernism, his oeuvre retained its inner unity.

His constant renewal was also fuelled by his pedagogical practice, and as a teacher his influence on the younger generation of graphic artists, of whom he was master for more than four decades, is hardly overestimated. His professional recognition is best illustrated by the fact that he is the only person to have been awarded the Grand Prize of the Miskolc Biennale of Graphic Arts twice.

Our exhibition offers a complete overview of his oeuvre, focusing on Pásztor’s technically virtuosic self-portraits and distorted nudes. Also on display are a selection of his Madách and Babits illustrations from the 1960s, his Pop Art-influenced paintings, his organic abstract colour prints and his experimental photograms and electrographs from the end of his oeuvre.