Random VII.

Low point

08. March 2025. – 28. March
MegnyitóOpening: March 7, 2025, 7:00 pm

As the ordering principle of the thematic group show, random is neither more nor less than a variable stemming from interpretation and misconstruction of its own semantic content, it is that certain chance, the fifty-fifty feature of heads or tail, the incidental possibility, the undefined, undirected process that defy the predestination; it is the self-organizing sameness, the accidental selection method of the exhibiting artists’ assortment. Everything that is random. This is an exhibition where the outcome is unpredictable, but probable and installable.

István Zakariás

Participating artists: Antal Malvina / Babinszky Csilla / Bács Emese / Bartus Ferenc / Bíró Botond / Bodor Anikó / Daradics Árpád / Dér Virág / Dienes Attila / Dobó Bianka / Elekes Károly / Fekete Tibor / Ferencz S Apor / Ferencz Zoltán / Gáspár Gyula / Gesztelyi Nagy Zsuzsanna / Gulyás Andrea Katalin / Gyenes Zsolt / Győrffy Sándor / Hermann Zoltán / Holló István / Kacsó Fugecu / Kelemen Dénes Lehel / Koroknai Zsolt / Kristóflab / Lőrincz Emőke / Lucza Zsigmond / Madácsy István / Makkai István / Maros Lili / Miklós Árpád / Nagy Árpád Pika / Nagy Zopán / Nayg István / Németh Róbert / Ocskay László Doky / Pál Csaba / Papp Ildikó / Pető Hunor / Pokorny Attila / Sánta Csaba / Sebestyén Zoltán / Stark István / Széchy Beáta / Székely Annamária / Szigeti Csongor / Szitás Bernadett / Toró Annamari / Vass Sándor / Zakariás István / Zirczi Judit