Not the objects, the people, and the ideas change over time, but the way we see, observe, and perceive them. We cannot choose in which era we want to live. Nowadays, we all live under the influence of the media. The systems of visual signs determine our feelings and thoughts. Recently, even war is waged in front of the cameras.
What remains from all of this: the images. Images take control over ideas. Ideology can gradually and universally transform into imageology. No matter how much we would want to protest against this, to give voice to our feelings, without images, we can no longer make ourselves heard. In my art, there is always something mysterious to me, something inscrutable, which may come from my creative nature, the main source of which is memory, or more precisely, visual memory.
Therefore, I believe that my philosophy of imagery is more intuitive, my figures and forms are not adopted, but primarily arise from my genetic memory. I often feel that the characteristic of my images comes from the intuitions of a child, who believes more in the invisible, in fairy tales, than in everyday reality. Perhaps this is why I assign different metaphorical meaning to each of my images, suggesting that in our artificial world, we are not dealing with reality at all.