Deep in the Matter

04. September 2024. – 20. September
MegnyitóOpening: September 3, 2024, 7:00 pm
MegnyitjaRemarks by: Domokos Ferenc

In the 1960s, Canadian media researcher Marshall McLuhan formulated the idea that the importance of the communication channel or medium is not so much secondary to the content and cannot be ignored: the medium is the message, he argued in his 1964 book. The idea that the medium determines the content, if not being directly part of it, is not new, and perhaps neither is its application to the visual arts.

While contemporary visual art, on the contrary, has completely abandoned the attachment to the medium and its formal constraints, granting the artist complete freedom in the way of physical and technical realisation, centralising its thought, the medium is still not excluded from the formula, but becomes a space for artistic expression and content.

The medium – which can be equated with the medium, the technique or even the entire creative process – is neither default nor contingent, but is consistently chosen for a reason.

The exhibition Deep in the Matter brings together artists and their works where, although different from artist to artist or even from work to work, the medium is emphatically part of the message, seeking connections within the content.

The medium – which can be equated with the medium, the technique or even the entire creative process – is neither default nor contingent, but consistently chosen for a reason.

The exhibition Deep in the Matter brings together artists and their works where, although different from artist to artist or even from work to work, the medium is emphatically part of the message, seeking connections within the content.

Whether it be ballpoint pen drawings or objects enclosing memories, touching on the notion of passing, or life paths metaphors lying in pieces and assembled from them, mixed media paintings reacting to the physical fragility of paper, evoking inner and outer layers on cardboard, even by destroying the surface, or depicting concrete seismological measurements, all of these become coherent in content through the combination of materials and processes used.

Exhibiting artists: József BAKSAI, Domonkos BENYOVSZKY-SZŰCS, Vince BRIFFA, Áron GÁBOR, Lina GACSÁLYI Bíborka, Christoph MAYER, Márton ROMVÁRI