Best of Diploma 2024

(Magyar) Kiállítás a végzős hallgatók diplomamunkáiból

11. July 2024. – 31. August
MegnyitóOpening: July 10, 2024, 6:00 pm

– Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Barcsay Hall, Assembly Hall (1062 Budapest, Andrássy út 69-71.)
– Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Epreskert (1063 Budapest, Kmety György utca 26-28.)

The Hungarian University of Fine Arts closes this academic year with a Best of Diploma exhibition. The exhibition, which has become a tradition and will be held for the 18th time this year, will show the best of this year’s diploma works from the various fields of visual art: painting, graphic arts, sculpture, inter-media and visual design.

The Best of Diploma exhibition is the culmination of the graduating students’ university years, where the public and the profession can view the work of the best graduates from different disciplines, and a first step towards the world of galleries and international exposure.

Zsófia Fébert, Kíra Kovács
Intermedia artist
Málna Mozsolits, Regina Sárvári
Graphic artist
Boglárka Kiss, Kelemen Miklós, Vivien Reining, Réka Schell
Visual Designer BA
Ágfay Mira, Nagy Sára Mirjam
Visual Designer MA
Panna Kárpáti
Restorer, craftsman
Orsolya Bagi
Restorer, artist
Vivien Lengyel
Sculptor artist
Vanda Burján, Lisa Arnika Glauser, Anna Boglárka Tóth
Graphic designer artist
Dezső Árpád, Sved Angelina
Fine Artist MA
Viktória Katalin Májer, Dániel Rozinyák
BA Fine Art – Theory
Fábián Luca, Farkas Benedek, Fehér Virág, Hajdú Léna, Kovács Kinga
Art Theory MA
Ancsin Kata, Deák Szonja, Kovács Rebeka, Lenkey Viola Dóra, Tóth Boglárka