The two locales of the Budapest Gallery – the Budapest Gallery Exhibition House in Óbuda and the Budapest Exhibition Hall on Szabad sajtó Road – have been definitive sites of the Hungarian art scene for nearly forty years. The gallery on Szabad sajtó Road now finds a new home on the 1st floor of the Bálna Warehouse II.
Of the total area of 960 square metres, the New Budapest Gallery will manage some 760 square metres of exhibition space, making it one of the largest non-profit galleries in Budapest and one of the most up-to-date art institutions with regards to its architectural interior. The diverse nature of the spaces within the gallery (large, undivided and smaller, easily transformable rooms) and the technical furnishings will allow it to function as Budapest’s definitive cultural centre, while the Exhibition House in Lajos Street will continue to host smaller exhibitions of works by contemporary Hungarian artists.
In its presentations of Hungarian and foreign oeuvres and artist groups, the New Budapest Gallery’s programme will focus primarily on contemporary art, but it will also organize exhibitions that showcase 20th century works. The New Budapest Gallery meets the necessary criteria in order to borrow works of art, enabling it to organize large-scale international exhibitions. The institute endeavours to play a prominent role in European cultural life, and – primarily as a result of cooperation with countries of the Danubian Basin – it may become the new cultural centre of East-Central Europe. Some of the exhibitions will be organized in collaboration with guest curators.
Budapest Immersion provides a cross-section of the contemporary art exhibitions of the Budapest Gallery and the Municipal Gallery, as well as the city’s contemporary art; it represents several generations and a diverse array of artistic forms, including painting, sculpture and media art.
The exhibition will be open to the public as of 8 November. On the occasion of the three-day long Bálna opening there will also be a museum education program entitled Szilvia Takács: Portable and Paintable Houses and Trees in the New Budapest Gallery on Saturday, 9 November from 3:30 pm to 6:00 pm as well as on Sunday, 10 November from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm.
Exhibiting artists: Zsolt ASZTALOS, Csilla BABINSZKY, Erika BAGLYAS, Imre BAK, András BERNÁT, Orsolya DROZDIK, Balázs FAA, Anna FABRICIUS, Péter FORGÁCS, Aliona FRANKL, György GÁTI, Tibor GÁYOR, Pál GERBER, Gábor GERHES, Imre GÁBOR, Luca GŐBÖLYÖS, István HAÁSZ, Péter Tamás HALÁSZ, Mariann IMRE, György JOVÁNOVICS, Gyula JÚLIUS, Zsigmond KÁROLYI, Gábor KEREKES, Balázs KICSINY, Ádám KOKESCH, Tamás KOMORÓCZKY, Attila KONDOR, Endre KORONCZI, Éva KÖVES, András LENGYEL, Jenő LÉVAY, Ilona LOVAS, Ákos MATZON, Dóra MAURER, János MEGYIK, István NÁDLER, Hajnal NÉMETH, Hunor PETŐ, Gizella RÁKÓCZY, Károly SCHMAL, SI-LA-GI, János SUGÁR, Ádám SZABÓ, Ágnes SZABICS, Éva Eszter SZABÓ, Péter SZALAY, György SZÁSZ, Kamilla SZÍJ, Lenke SZILÁGYI, Teréz SZILÁGYI, György SZŐNYEI, Szilvia TAKÁCS, Villő TURCSÁNY, Péter TÜRK, Róbert SWIERKIEWICZ, János SZIRTES, Ilona VISNYEI, Erzsébet VOJNICH
Budapest immersion
08. November 2013. – 02. March 2014.
MegnyitóOpening: November 14, 2013, 6:00 pm