Imagined reality

11. September 2024. – 05. October
MegnyitóOpening: September 10, 2024, 7:00 pm
MegnyitjákRemarks by: Bukta Imre, doktor Máriás Béla

Imagination surpasses reality and reality surpasses imagination.

The imaginary can never be real enough, just as reality cannot satisfy the richness of imagination.

To imagine the future, to long for the unforeseeable, is a game of the imagination, but what will we feel when our most dreadful dreams come true.

In the artist’s imaginative landscapes, which are deceptively similar to the real thing, the idyllic Arcadian tranquillity is disturbed by bizarre phenomena, with unusual celestial signs, streams of fire, glowing sunsets and occasional strange figures.

The beauty of his visions is imbued with the fear of danger, the melancholy of desolation, but also the hope of renewal. Beauty triumphs over ugliness, love over hate.