Remembering the present

A retrospective

17. July 2024. – 10. November
MegnyitóOpening: July 20, 2024, 4:00 pm
MegnyitjaRemarks by: Aknai Katalin

Mária Berhidi’s retrospective exhibition, opening in the second floor exhibition space of the Modem, aims to reveal the full extent of the late artist’s somewhat hidden, at once sensitive and sensual conceptual-minimalist sculptural oeuvre, her personal and professional collaboration with fellow artists (Mariann Imre, Ilona Lovas, Kamilla Szíj, Erzsébet Vojnich), as well as her influential work as an art organizer. To evoke the latter, thirteen artists from his curatorial period at the Óbudai Társaskör Gallery have been invited to participate in the exhibition.

In her first period, Mária Berhidi mainly created female body torsos, which presented female sensibility, corporeality and sexuality in an individual voice, in their own right. These erotic works, which demand tactility, transforming the stone into a skin-like surface, are typically unstable, often mobile and always retain some of the raw surface of the stone, indicating the natural origin of the material and inspiration.

The exhibition Remembering the Present provides an overview of Mária Berhidi’s unique art and introduces her generational co-creators and the points of interconnection of her curatorial approach.

Contributing artists: Cséfalvay András, Deli Ágnes, Faa Balázs, Imre Mariann, Koller Margit, Koronczi Endre, Kútvölgyi-Szabó Áron, Lovas Ilona, Nagy Csilla, Richter Sára, Roskó Gábor, Szabó Ádám, Szanyi Borbála, Szíj Kamilla, Türk Péter, Vincze Ottó, Vojnich Erzsébet