The exhibition includes works by progressive artists of the neo-avant-garde, as well as conceptual tendencies of the seventies with works never shown before, and the artists of the BOSCH & BOSCH group from Vojvodina, juxtaposed with the activities of the Pécs Workshop.
The works of young artists of the painting turn that became more and more prominent at the end of the 2010s are shown in a separate room, and Slovak, Ukrainian, Estonian, Polish, Russian and Albanian artworks are presented in thematic blocks, in comparison with similar Hungarian endeavours.
Works on women’s role models as well as on individual and collective historical memory/traumas, mainly based on photography, will be presented as a separate theme through works by Hungarian, Slovak, Romanian and Russian artists.
The (self-)portrait and its absence, the difficulty and loss of “representability” or painterly identification, as well as the position of the artist and art in society, or the disappearance of the traditions of landscape and genre painting, the relationship between the three dimensions and the plane, all form a separate unit.
The exhibition is organised by Bradák Soma, Dékei Kriszta, Fabényi Julia, Készman József, Szipőcs Krisztina
Exhibiting Artists: Pjotr Armjanovszkij, Bakos Gábor, Barabás Zsófi, Bálványos Levente, Baranyay András, Borsos Lőrinc, Kim Corbisier, Csató József, Alexandr Csekmenyov, Csernik Attila, David Csicskan, Anna Daucíková, Erdély Miklós, Erdélyi Gábor, Fabricius Anna, Ficzek Ferenc, Stano Filko, Fodor János, Galántai György, Gémes Péter, Hajas Tibor, Alban Hajdinaj, Halász Péter Tamás, Hopp-Halász Károly, Haris László, Hencze Tamás, Johnson & Johnson, Káldi Katalin, Károlyi Zsigmond, Olga Kasimbekova – Gleb Katcsuk, Kaszás Tamás, Kemény György, Kerekes László, Kismányoky Károly – Szíjártó Kálmán, Ladik Katalin, Lovas Ilona, Petra Maitz, Slavko Matkovic, Méhes László, Nagy Imre, Natalia LL, Nemes Márton, Németh Hajnal, Németh Ilona, Jevhen Nyikiforov, Perneczky Géza, Pinczehelyi Sándor, Pintér Gábor, Puklus Péter, Ravasz András, Mikola Ridnyij, Rónai Péter, Szabó Eszter Ágnes, Olekszij Szaj, Szalay Péter, Szegedy-Maszák Zoltán, Uray-Szépfalvy Ágnes, Szvet Tamás, Tót Endre, Türk Péter, Ujj Zsuzsi, Várnagy Tibor, Erwin Wurm, Záborszky Gábor, Natalija Zsernovszkaja
Place value
New acquisitions
04. March 2022. – 24. April
MegnyitóOpening: March 3, 2022, 6:00 pm