Time – the absolute, real and mathematic time, by its nature, flows steadily, unrelated to anything else…
Nevertheless, having knowledge about time dilatation, we have to disregard the notion of absolute time. Problems occurring with the measurement of time have shaped our present time-conception, according which it is an outspoken fact that it is utterly impossible to universally determine the concurrence of events happening in larger distances, due to the lack of signals with infinite speed. In case of moving objects the span of time may not be univocal without considering the span of self-time. Therefore, the only way to understand the physical characteristics of time, is to relate it to matter and space.
The twinpradox (clock paradox) – is a paradox deducted from one of the consequences of the theory of relativity. The clock paradox can be observed in the following example: consider two, considerably accurate clocks, eg. atomic clocks. If we deliver one of them to outer space with the help of a space capsule, and it travels with high speed for a longer span of time, once we return it to earth and compare the two clocks, than, the one which remained on earth will indicate that more time has elapsed in accordance with time dilatation.
Space – space and time exist objectively, outside of and unrelated to us; space and time is infinite and eternal, because the represent the existence of infinity forms of matter. At the same time, there are significant differences between time and space: time has three dimensions, while time only has one. Space can be read from any direction, time only goes one way. In other words, time is irreversible: all matter-process is advancing in one direction – from the past, through present, to the future. Or maybe not?