…In her paintings, elementary gestures do not pulsate, live and flourish for their own sake, but unite in a mesmerizingly eloquent love-feast of the radiant overall picture. Our artist paints what she sees, what is in front of her, but with what charged energy, liberating power, fired-up verve, an uplifting vitality, a sense of life in a frenzy of reality! Only the Hungarian surrealist naturalists of the 1960s were capable of such a romp, breaking down material existence and the natural spectacle into its elements, and yet bringing them together on a higher level. And Van Gogh’s sunflowers of human nature, Monet’s water lilies and water lilies of Eden, János Tornyai’s impressions of the lowland landscape, as well as the colourful interiors and studios of his rooms, János Pirk’s sparkling field races, still lifes, seed sowers, hoes and potato pickers, gardeners, scythes, Péter Ujházi’s flickering seasonal impressions of places and settlements, Miklós Pinke’s colourful landscapes and interior estates of Pákozd and Gánt, and Anselm Kiefer’s sensual visions of the earth materialised into tangible sensations. ..
Tihamér Novotny