
15. May 2024. – 14. June
MegnyitóOpening: January 1, 1970, 12:00 am

A kind astronaut in a medieval castle or a gambling hall. Once again, Miklós Vörös uses children’s toys to talk about adult themes. And the Lego figures are closer to our everyday lives than you might think, and following a time-travelling astronaut can teach us a lot about our world.

Startron follows on from the 2019 Starter Sets exhibition, which used macro photographs of Lego figures to tell dramatic stories about anti-heroes. This is when the fictional astronaut character called Startron was born. Startron, however, is unlike the violent, rude and harmful characters of the past. He is a well-meaning, exploring hero.

In this latest exhibition, we are confronted with life’s eternal questions in a playful and childlike way. Red keeps the achievements of the Starter Sets, but also exceeds them. The storytelling tool remains Lego. The curious form repeatedly questions the position of the viewer. Can we participate in the game? Can we keep away from the images or are we drawn in and brought into play?