The shadow of light

28. October 2023. – 26. November
MegnyitóOpening: October 27, 2023, 6:00 pm
MegnyitjaRemarks by: Pfisztner Gábor
KurátorCurator: Szabó Dezső

The starting point for the theme of the exhibition, an experimental photographic series by Antal Jokesz, who lived in Veszprém (Untitled, 1978-79, enlarged in bromide silver and gelatine).

It is around this work that the concept of the exhibition is organised: light as energy leaves its mark on physical reality. All photographic images are based on this natural phenomenon. It is the problem that links the works and their creators, which were created in different periods.

In addition to well-known artists, the exhibition also includes former and current students and teachers of the Budapest Metropolitan University. In this way, the educational achievements of the University’s Photography Department will be made visible and will join the art exhibition programme of the Veszprém-Balaton 2023 European Capital of Culture project.

Exhibitors: Badár Tamás, Déry Ágoston, Dobokay Máté, Eperjesi Ágnes, Jokesz Antal, Nagyváradi Kitti, Ősz Gábor, Szabó Dezső, Várnagy Tibor