
26. June 2024. – 12. July
MegnyitóOpening: June 25, 2024, 6:00 pm
MegnyitjaRemarks by: Szurcsik József
KurátorCurator: Dóra Attila

These three artists are for me the archetypes of Béla Hamvas’ Arlequin. Arlequin is not simply a clown. His figure is closer to Tarkovsky’s Stalker, the pilgrim, the wondering of the young soul. He speaks not of what can be explained, enclosed, possessed, but of what cannot be articulated.

He is called a fool by many because they do not understand. “What a pity that a fool cannot say a clever word when clever men are so foolish.” He sees the world correctly. Arlequin is not ambitious and does not want to sit on any throne. His rite of creation is directed towards what is beyond the tangible, beyond the visible.

Attila Dóra