Budaházi 70

12. July 2024. – 15. September
MegnyitóOpening: July 11, 2024, 5:00 pm
MegnyitjaRemarks by: Novotny Tihamér

Celebrating his 70th birthday this year, Tibor Budaházi’s retrospective exhibition spanning some 50 years focuses on the artist’s major works. In addition to his graphic and object art activities, the 2015 MMA Fine Arts Prize winner is primarily a painter. His layered, matte works are generally evocative of brooding, melancholic, deeply lyrical moods, sacred emotions and meditative reveries.

In his painting, the act of contamination, i.e. mixing, blending, ‘contamination’, coexists with the act of recreation, the creation of pure aspects, scenes, images, surfaces. The nature of disorder, of disintegration, is inextricably linked to the idea of sewing, fusing, preserving, adding, adding to, repairing, preserving.

The technique of evocation with individual insight, the art and culture of exhaustion and erasure with the artistry of replenishment, of highlighting, the moment of accidental discovery with the desire for vitalising immersion, for identification.