The purpose of the one-year grant has remained the same since its establishment in 1955: to help the artistic development of young artists at the beginning of their careers, enabling them to create quality works that are modern both in form and content.
I. class: Batykó Róbert, Cseh Lili, Horváth Dániel, Horváth Tibor, Kis Róka Csaba, Kristóf Krisztián, Loránt Anikó Erzsébet, Pintér Balázs, Szörényi Beatrix, Judit, Tarr Hajnalka
II. class: Asztalos Zsolt, Borsos Róbert, Fischer Judit, Follárd Barbara, Király András, Mécs Miklós, Szász Sándor, Tibor Zsolt, Tóth Zsuzsa
III. class: Kelemen Zénó, Kerekes Gábor, Kokesch Ádám, László Dániel, Lendvai Ádám, Lengyel Péter, Mátrai Erik, Németh Hajnal, Szász György, Varga Rita, Vécsei Júlia