Mine-yours-ours. Do you consume anything?

07. February 2025. – 24. August
MegnyitóOpening: February 6, 2025, 5:00 pm
MegnyitjaRemarks by: Szabolcs Barakonyi
KurátorCurator: Madarász Györgyi

Consumption. A clear word with a wide range of underlying meanings. When we consume, we get less of something on one side and much more on the other. The other side is willingly ignored, even if the balance is tipping. When we consume, we spend, buy, accumulate and absorb. We don’t just spend our money, we spend our time, our eye health, our blood pressure, our body and soul, the future of our planet. In addition to our daily diet, we consume information, all kinds of online content, fuel, experiences, electricity, ideologies, territories. Are we letting it all take over and control our lives? Are we driven by real wants and needs, or by desires instilled in us by marketing? Do we really want to lose weight or just consume? We explore these questions through some artworks.

Exhibitors: Kristóf József Balogh, Szabolocs Barakonyi, József Benes, Christian Opris, Ágnes Eperjesi, Gábor Gerhes, Fatime Germán, Tibor Gyenis, Judit Hetényi, Ioan Horvath Bugnariu, Endre Koronczi, Tamás Kovács, Lenkey-Tóth Péter, Letyán Csaba, Molnár László József, Nagy Gábor György, Olajos György, Orr Máté, Prutkay Péter, Rácmolnár Sándor, Sáros András Miklós, Szabó Ádám, Szurcsik János, Varga Éva