Chance of waves

21. June 2024. – 19. July
MegnyitóOpening: June 20, 2024, 6:00 pm
MegnyitjaRemarks by: Miklósvölgyi Zsolt

Where do waves originate? Do they have a source, and where do they end up? Energy that transforms into matter shaped by waves. An intricate sequence of events that take form, shaping our environment and creating the space we perceive as reality. These processes can only be inferred, yet we clearly see and feel their tangible imprints in the world around us.

The exhibition “Chance of Waves” aims to visualize these underlying, invisible processes through the medium of sculpture. The works presented are the result of a three-year creative period. The core of the exhibit consists of complex formations and graphics built from modules, designed to evoke the surging and undulating processes that lie beneath the surface of our perceived world.