Exercises in painting

Contemporary art from the collection of the Hungarian National Bank

17. August 2024. – 19. September 2024.
MegnyitóOpening: August 16, 2024, 6:00 pm
KurátorCurator: Fabényi Júlia

The collection, created by the Hungarian National Bank, is the work of several generations of artists. Exercises in Painting deals with the newest and most authentic variations of the panel painting and focuses on the work of the present generation of artists in their 30s and 40s.

The powerful influence of the oft-mentioned digital imagery raises the question of how far we see natural reality in its colour world, and in metaphors such as the genre of the panel painting, in what direction the influence of the artificial imagery should be sought. What will be striking in the material of the exhibition, first and foremost, will be the radical brashness of the colour world, the incorporation of technical tricks, and the kind of image-making that incorporates the masterly composition into the shaping of its own surface.

At the same time, the insistence on the panel painting raises the role of permanent revision, the artist’s transposition unlocking the mechanisms of medial thinking. In the selection we have tried to create a crosssection that presents new aspects of the collection, but also of contemporary Hungarian art.

Artists exhibited: Nikolett Balázs, Zsófi Barabás, Áron Baráth, Róbert Batykó, Dániel Bernáth, Dia Bóbics, József Csató, Ádám Dóra, István Felsmann, Andreas Fogarasi, Martin Góth, Terézia Hajgató, Kis Róka Csaba, Koszorús Rita, Kusovszky Bea, Melkovics Tamás, Nemes Márton, Pintér Dia, Szabó Lobot Balázs, Szinyova Gergő, Szőke Gáspár, Tivadar Andrea, Tóth Anna Eszter, Vető Orsolya Lia