Női művészek – A korszak arcai

30. May 2024. – 30. June
MegnyitóOpening: January 1, 1970, 12:00 am

The exhibition presents a selection of works by four generations of Georgian women artists. The exhibition includes works by Elene Akhvlediani, Ketevan Magalashvili, Tamara Abakelia, Esma Oniani, Lia Shvelidze and Sophia Cherkezishvili.

The exhibition spans the twentieth century and the present, presenting works from the so-called Tbilisi Modernist Movement, socialist realism, the non-ideological art of détente and postmodern art.

The works, dating from the first half of the twentieth century and gathered in one room, are united by the symbolic concept of “woman as modernisation and emancipation”. Another group of works by contemporary women artists is based around the unifying theme of “woman as the main motif of art”. In relation to both concepts, the exhibition presents the general trends in the field of fine art created by twentieth-century women artists.

Both movements, modernism and postmodernism, which developed in Georgia despite the decades of the Iron Curtain and the subsequent difficult period of self-determination of the young state, demonstrate the significant synergy between Georgian and European culture.

Most of the objects on display come from the collections of the National Art Museum of Georgia and the National Gallery of Georgia. The event is organised by the Ministry of Culture and Sports of Georgia, the Hungarian Academy of Arts and the Pesti Vigadó.