
30. May 2024. – 22. June
MegnyitóOpening: May 29, 2024, 6:00 pm
MegnyitjaRemarks by: Sinkó István

István Orosz’s independent graphic sheets and line drawings are often characterised by archaic formal elements, art historical references, stylistic evocations, playful self-reflections, and visual worlds with an anachronistic effect, evoking old times, and several of his works feature themes from the natural sciences, especially geometry and optics.

He is keen to experiment with the exaggerations of perspective developed for the representation of spatial illusions and to renew the technique of anamorphosis. His work aims to create new and unusual representations of plane, space and time. He also explores the theory – the history and philosophy – of double-meaning works, optical illusions, geometric paradoxes and anamorphoses.

In addition to his autonomous artistic practice, he also works in applied graphics, poster design, illustration and as an animation film director. In the Hegyvidék Gallery, a selection of the artist’s images of paradoxical worlds, unbuildable buildings, impossible spaces, geometric or architectural etchings and spatial, board-objects will be presented.