
A debut exhibition of new members of the Studio of Young Artists Association admitted in autumn 2023

20. March 2024. – 31. March
MegnyitóOpening: March 19, 2024, 6:00 pm

The word “ukronia” is a 19th century linguistic neologism, modelled on the word “utopia”. In terms of etymology, the initial letter ‘u’ in Ukrainian functions as a pluperfect in Greek. Whereas in the case of utopia, this deprivation refers to place, here it refers to time. Utopia corresponds to nowhere-land, and ukrones to nowhere-time. Ukrainian, like utopia, began as a literary genre. It creates an alternative history, which rewrites historical time, that is, megahistory, as if it could have happened.

This year the new members have divided the FKSE space into five different territories. Each territory has created a different city-state with its own state system, constitution, religion, symbols and beliefs. Each became a citizen of a state, where they were randomly assigned – deus ex machina. They were given passports in their hands, which gave them the right to cross borders, travel, escape and emigrate from states that were sometimes absolutist, sometimes anarchic, sometimes fundamentalist.
Where to live and create? Where do they have a place to stay?

Visual arts:
Asztrid Csatlós, Györgyi Cséffai, Aliz Farkas, Anna Forgách, Bíborka Gacsályi, Eszter Judit Kárpáti, Júlia Kerekes, Szilárd Matl, Boglárka Milinszki, Zsófia Móró, Nunkovics Róbert, Nyíri Orsi, Pusztai Fruzsina, Sárvári Regina, Szekeres Alexandra, Szöke Eszter, Tihanyi Áron, Tomecz Dániel, Tóth Lala, Várhegyi Dávid

Art Theory: Edvy Athina, Farkas Benedek, Juhász Péter, Molnár Veronika, Novák Lea, Porteleki-Helbich Rozina, Szakács Emese Bíborka, Várhelyi Valentina