The manierism of the nomads of the 80ies

17. November 2023. – 20. January 2024.
MegnyitóOpening: November 16, 2023, 7:00 pm

In the volume entitled Second publicity published by the gallery, in the chapter “The nomadism of the age: reconstructing the past to create the present”, Lóránd Hegyi wrote about Hungarian art in the 1980s, and then describes the unfolding of their work in the second half of the decade as the “mannerism” of the young generation of painters emerging at that time.

The joy of creation and the generosity of being, the emergence of the broader horizon, are made tangible in their works – as László Százados wrote earlier about the period in connection with our exhibition Symmetry with Counterpoints, which recalls the period.

Our exhibition recalls this process of fulfilment with works that have not yet been shown in Hungary, and the desire for freedom that is also evident in the works, which anticipates the political events of the end of the decade.

The exhibition will also feature recordings of recent interviews with László Fehér, István Mazzag and Tamás Soós about the period and their works, and art historian Erzsébet Tatai will talk about her research on István Bodóczky’s work.